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Description: This clay also has an exceptional firing range! Dover fully vitrifies at cone 6, but will fire at cone 10 beautifully. Try it out, I guarantee you will like...
Description: Same great BMX, except this is a mid fire clay, cone 5-7. If you are searching for a light white throwing body that is easy to use and accepts...
Description: Whether using this clay as a beginner or you have advanced skills, this clay will work for you. Our CT 3 is like a white winter snow in the mountains;...
Description: This clay contains the same advanced clay body formula as Red Rock Red but with the addition of grog for added “tooth”. It also has even drying and excellent...
Description: Red Rock Red took extra time and effort to develop but it is definitely worth the work. This clay looks like the traditional “terra cotta” red earthenware clay that have...