Albany Slip Substitute – A substitute for the once popular, high iron content alluvial slip clay found in New York State. Albany slip substitute is formulated to duplicate the fired...
This material was formulated as a physical and chemical substitute for the late and very popular Albany Slip from New York state. Like Albany, it is a low melting iron...
Alumina Hydrate – (Al203 3H20) A source of alumina in glazes but mostly used as a high temperature kiln wash for shelves or a coating to keep lids from fusing...
M23 Ball Clay – M-23 is produced from the Old Hickory Gleason TN processing plant. It is a highly suitable grade for low fire white firing compositions as well as stoneware and...
A coarse-grained fast-casting ball clay with medium plasticity and strength. SGP is an "industry standard" based on its popularity in for casting. It can also be used in plastic formed bodies. It is also...
XX Saggar – A plastic ball clay used in salt/soda clay body formulas for its silica content which promotes “orange peel” effect on the clays fired surface.
New Foundry Hill Crème – A high temperature clay used in clay body’s for plasticity. In glazes contributes alumina and silica to the formula and aids in glaze suspension properties.
OM 4 - A popular plastic clay used in clay body formulas for its plasticity also used in glaze for suspension properties and its alumina and silica content.
Barium Carbonate German – (BaC03) 1% or 2% in clay body formulas will neutralize soluble salt scumming. Promotes opacity and matt surfaces in glazes. Toxic